Workshop on ‘Rising Powers and the Sustainable Development Agenda’
25 September, Sao Paulo
- Video recording of the workshop (partly in Portuguese)
Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures Public Lecture Series
Professor Raphael Kaplinsly, University of Sussex
‘Do Standards in Global Value Chains Support or Undermine the Sustainable Develoment Goals (SDGs)?’
20 June, 4.00-5.30pm, Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester
Lord Jim O’Neill
‘Are the Rising Powers Really Rising?’
21 June, 5.00-6.30pm, Lecture Theatre A, Roscoe Building, The University of Manchester
Professor Alan Winters
‘Taking Inter-Dependency Seriously: Brexit and the Rising Powers’
2.00-3.30pm, Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester
Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures final conference ‘From Rising Powers to Interdependent Futures’
21-23 June 2017
Workshop on ‘Rising Powers and Labour Standards in Global Production Networks’
19-20 June 2017, Manchester
Past events
2016 Events
India and Sustainability Standards: International Dialogues & Conference 2016
16-18 November 2016, New Delhi
The project ‘Rising Powers, Labour Standards and the Governance of Global Production Networks’ co-hosted a panel on ‘International Labour Standards and the Indian Workplace in Global Supply Chains’ on 18 November.
Rising Powers and Global Innovation
6-7 October 2016, Manchester
Researchers from four different projects under the Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures programme presented findings on innovation in the rising powers. View the policy brief below:
‘China and the rising powers as development actors: looking across, looking back, looking forward’, panel at the Development Studies Association (DSA) annual conference
12-14 September 2016, Oxford
- Call for papers (deadline 25 April 2016)
Workshop on Labour Standards and Labour Law Reforms in the Rising Powers: Trends and Prospects in Public and Private Regulations
Cambridge, 5-6 September 2016
In a recent workshop held in Cambridge in September 2016 researchers from the Centre for Business Research (CBR), University of Cambridge, and from the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, discussed the findings from ESRC-funded research. The workshop focused on labour law reforms, labour standards and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in Rising Powers, including China, India, South Africa and Brazil.
- Podcast interviews by CBR on the findings presented at the workshop
- Evening Standard article mentioning the workshop outcomes, 8 November 2016
“Emerging Trends within the Roles of Rising Powers and Global Development” Conference
1 March 2016, Sussex
This early career researchers conference is organised by the Rising Powers Young Researcher Network and the Centre for Rising Powers and Global Development at the University of Sussex.
2015 Events
Russia and China: Entanglements and Points of Tension
Chatham House, London, 23 October 2015
This event will examine Russia’s complex relations with China. Researchers from the two Rising Powers projects ‘Conflict Management in Central Asia’ and ‘China and Russia At Their North Asian Border’ will share their insights at Chatham House.
UK-Brazil Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Systems: Dynamics, Governance and Public Policy
Sao Paulo, 3-5 March 2015
The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. During the workshop early career researchers (having a PhD and post doc experience up to 10 years) based in a University in the UK or the State of Sao Paulo will have the opportunity to present their research in the form of a poster presentation and discuss this with established researchers from the UK and partner countries. There will be a focus on building up links for future collaborations and participants are selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links. The workshop is also conceived to be a forum where the frontiers of research and innovation policies are going to be deeply discussed.
Emergent Trends on the China – Russia Border
16-17 March 2015, Cambridge
Conference organised by the project ‘Where Rising Powers Meet: China and Russia at the north Asian border’. For details, please contact Sayana Namsaraeva ( or Franck Bille (
New Perspectives on Conflict, Security and Peace in Eurasia: A Two-Day Workshop
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 3-4 June 2015
In keeping with trends towards the regionalization of Conflict and Peace Studies, we seek to draw together new approaches which eschew or adapt ostensibly general theoretical models and traditional methodologies of interviewing and document analysis. Please submit a 350-word summary of your proposed paper by Friday 16th January 2015 to Catherine Owen (
Call for Papers: “Global Production Networks and New Contours of Development” Early Career Workshop Global Production Networks, Labour and Trade Research Group IDPM, University of Manchester, 29th June 2015
The geography of global trade is changing. The value of trade between developing countries (South-South trade) is since 2012 greater than developing country exports to the global North. While involvement and potential benefits are uneven, China, India and Brazil, in particular, are playing increasingly significant roles. With the UNDP (2013) also referring to the “Rise of the South”, it appears that new maps of trade and development are emerging (Sidaway 2012). A lot of uncertainty exists, however, over the precise implications of these shifting trade patterns. Research using global production network (GPN) and global value chain (GVC) analytical frameworks could provide major insights into this debate. This research has helped progress beyond nation state-centric accounts of trade to look at the roles played by specific actors, governance relationships and implications for upgrading producers’ development prospects. However, with a few emerging exceptions (e.g. Gereffi 2014, Kaplinsky and Farooki 2011, Kaplinsky et al. 2011, Staritz et al. 2011), this research focus has hitherto largely had a North-South orientation, focusing on those southern suppliers participating in chains and networks mostly governed by Northern lead firms. Moving beyond a North-South orientation and considering “new contours of development” raises questions regarding new forms of governance in GPNs, possibilities for upgrading and challenges for policymakers to maximise development benefits. This workshop welcomes early career scholars from Manchester, other universities in the UK and further afield. Discussing GPNs and GVCs in a shifting world economy, indicative topics that could be addressed include, but are not limited to:
- New lead firms, sub-contractors and forms of private governance
- Public governance and policymakers’ agency within this new map of GPNs
- Shifting end markets
- New standards requirements
- Restructuring of existing production networks
- Domestic and regional production networks
- Economic and social upgrading in a more multi-polar world
We will seek to address some of these questions through a small and focused one-day workshop at Manchester. This event is primarily targeted at early career researchers (from PhD fieldwork stage to within five years post-PhD). The workshop will benefit from a keynote discussion involving Professors Gary Gereffi and Raphael Kaplinsky. We aim that this event will result in a publication output in the form of a journal special issue or edited volume.
DEADLINES: Abstract Submission: February 27th 2015 (max 300 words)
Confirmation of accepted papers: March 13th 2015
Full Paper Submission: June 12th 2015 (max. 8,000 words excl. abstract, notes, references etc.)
QUERIES: Submissions and any queries to Rory Horner ( and Gale RajReichert ( in the first instance.
2014 Events
Workshop on Law and Finance in Rising Powers
Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, 9 December 2014
This workshop held at the University of Cambridge brought together researchers associated with several projects under the Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures programme. A series of podcast interviews with speakers at the conference gives a synopsis of their findings.
“The Rising Powers and Development Post-2015” – Development Studies Association pre-sessional workshop
London, 31 October-1 November 2014
This workshop will act as the launch event for the DSA’s Rising Powers Study Group.
The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Processes in Africa
Wednesday 24 September 2014 9:00am to 5:00pm, Overseas Development Institute
This event will present recent research and analysis from the Future Agricultures Consortium on how agricultural policy in Sub-Saharan Africa is shaped and put into practice. The event includes a dedicated session on China and Brazil in Africa and new paradigms of agricultural development.
- more details on the IDS website
- agenda and registration on the ODI website
Manchester International Summer School on Emerging Technologies
8 – 13 June 2014, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
We welcome applications from RP project / associated PhD students. Please download the PDF document for more information.
Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’ – Doctoral and Early Career Researchers Workshop
5 June 2014, 9.00 – 17.00, University of Manchester
The (re-)emergence of several ‘rising powers’, including but not limited to Brazil, China, India and Russia, is triggering increasing interest among social science researchers trying to understand processes of global social and economic change. This workshop brought together a group of early career researchers, including PhD students and post-docs, associated with the 12 research projects funded under the ESRC ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’ programme.
Tumen River Triangle in Northeast Asia
23 May 2014, University of Cambridge
This workshop brings together scholars working on issues related to the topic of border in Northeast Asia, particularly focusing on Tumen River area. The participants will discuss the relationship among the riparian countries around the Tumen River area, issues arisen with the recent development of the area, political topology of the Tumen River as a border, and historical continuity and change around the Tumen River. The workshop is not open to the public, but for enquiry on the workshop including attendance please contact Dr. Hyun-Gwi Park (
- Tumen workshop programme (PDF)
2013 Events
Principal Investigators Workshop ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’
13-14 March 2013, Manchester
The first Principal Investigators workshop of the ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’ programme brought together around 20 researchers associated with the 12 research projects funded under the programme as well as representatives of the ESRC. All of the projects were represented with one or more team members, out of which 9 were the Principal Investigators.
Manchester Doctoral Students Workshop on ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’
10 December 2013
The event brought together PhD students and researchers associated with two Rising Powers projects: ‘Emerging Technologies, Trajectories and Implications of Next Generation Innovation Systems’, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIOIR), Manchester Business School (MBS) and ‘Rising Powers, Labour Standards and the Governance of Global Production Networks’, Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM), University of Manchester.