Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures

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Institute of Development Studies

Rising Powers in African agriculture

Principal Investigator: Professor Ian Scoones
Email: i.scoones@ids.ac.uk

King’s College London

State strategies of governance in global biomedical innovation

Principal Investigator: Professor Brian Salter
Email: brian.g.salter@kcl.ac.uk

School of Oriental and African Studies

China goes global

Principal Investigator: Dr Frauke Urban
Email: fu1@soas.ac.uk

University of Birmingham

Russia and the EU in the Common Neighbourhood 

Principal Investigator: Dr Kataryna Wolczuk
Email: k.wolczuk@bham.ac.uk

University of Cambridge

China and Russia At Their North Asian Border

Principal Investigator: Professor Caroline Humphrey
Email: ch10001@cam.ac.uk

Law Development and Finance in Rising Powers

Principal Investigator: Professor Simon Deakin
Email: s.deakin@cbr.cam.ac.uk

University of Durham

Low Carbon Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa

Principal Investigator: Dr Marcus Power
Email: marcus.power@durham.ac.uk

University of Exeter

Conflict Management in Central Asia

Principal Investigator: Dr John Heathershaw
Email: J.D.Heathershaw@exeter.ac.uk

University of Glasgow

Rising Powers: Unequal Powers, Authoritarian Powers, Unstable Powers?  Conflict Management in Central Asia

Principal Investigator: Professor Stephen White
Email: Stephen.White@glasgow.ac.uk

University of London

Poverty and Inequality in Brazil, India, China and South Africa

Principal Investigator: Professor James Manor
Email: james.manor@sas.ac.uk

University of Manchester

Innovation Systems Development in China and Russia

Principal Investigator: Professor Philip Shapira
Email: pshapira@mbs.ac.uk

Labour Standards and Global Production Networks

Principal Investigator: Dr Khalid Nadvi
Email: khalid.nadvi@manchester.ac.uk

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University of Exeter logo
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University of London logo
University of Manchester logo